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Beschikbare parameters binnen macro definities

1      Algemene Parameters

Directory executables
Windows directory (c:\windows)
Windows temporary directory (c:\windows\temp)
JAdmin.exe's temporary directory c:\windows\temp\12345678.tmp)
JoPPS.INI filename (c:\joppswin\jopps.ini)
JoPPS Help directory (c:\joppswin\hlp)
JoPPS main databases directory (c:\joppswin\dbf)

2     Database gerelateerde parameters

Setting path DBx files
Setting path project files
Setting path DXF CAD files
Setting path DXF DRW files
Setting path DATA files
Setting path result report files
Setting path report template files (Data Reporter)
Setting path TXT files
Setting path output files
Setting path HTML output files
Current database name
Current databse ID
Current selected user
Current value of automatic project counter
Current value of automatic batch counter

3    Datum en tijd gerelateerde parameters

Current time as string (according to regional settings)
Current date as string (according to regional settings)
Day of the week (1=Monday till 7=Sunday)
%DAY% or %DOY%
Day of the year
%WEEK% or %WOY%
Week of the year
Year (4-digit)
Year (2-digit)


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