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The INIFILE class

The INIFILE class implements an interface to Windows *.INI files.
Returns an instanciated inifile object. Sfn is the name of the INI file to be used
Frees the INI file object
READSTRING (Ssection,Skey,Sdef) : S
ReadString reads a string value from an INI file. Ssection identifies the section in the file that contains the desired key. Skey is the name of the key from which to retrieve the value. Sdef is the string value to return if the:
-section does not exist
-key does not exist
- data value for the key is not assigned
WRITESTRING (Ssection,Skey,S)
WriteString writes a string value S to an INI file.
Ssection identifies the desired section in the file,
Skey is the name of the key.
READINT (Ssection,Skey,Ddef) : Dint
ReadInt reads an integer value from an INI file. Ssection identifies the section in the file that contains the desired key. Skey is the name of the key from which to retrieve the value. Ddef is the value to return if the:
-section does not exist.
-key does not exist.
- data value for the key is not assigned.
WRITEINT (Ssection,Skey,Dint)
WriteInt writes an integer value Dint to an INI file. Ssection identifies the section in the file, Skey is the name of the key.
READBOOL (Ssection,Skey,Ddef) : Dbool
ReadBool reads a boolean value from an INI file. Ssection identifies the section in the file that contains the desired key. Skey is the name of the key from which to retrieve the value. Ddef is the boolean value to return if the:
-section does not exist.
-key does not exist.
- data value for the key is not assigned.
WRITEBOOL (Ssection,Skey,Dbool)
WriteBool writes a boolean value to an INI file.
Ssection identifies the section in the file, Skey is the name of the key.
READDATETIME (Ssection,Skey,Ddef) : Ddatetime
ReadDateTime reads a datetime value from an INI file. Ssection identifies the section in the file that contains the desired key. Skey is the name of the key from which to retrieve the value. Ddef is the datetime value to return if the:
-section does not exist.
-key does not exist.
- data value for the key is not assigned.
WRITEDATETIME (Ssection,Skey,Ddatetime)
WriteDateTime writes a datetime value to an INI file. Ssection identifies the section in the file,
Skey is the name of the key.
READNUM (Ssection,Skey,Ddef) : D
ReadNum reads a numeric value from an INI file. Ssection identifies the section in the file that contains the desired key. Skey is the name of the key from which to retrieve the value. Ddef is the numeric value to return if the:
-section does not exist.
-key does not exist.
- data value for the key is not assigned.
WRITENUM (Ssection,Skey,D)
WriteNum writes a numeric value to an INI file.
Ssection identifies the section in the file, Skey is the name of the key.
Verifies if the specified Ssection section exists
Delete the specified section Ssection from the inifile
Verifies if the specified Skey key exists
Delete the specified key Skey from the inifile
Make sure changes made to the inifile are flushed
to disk
Returns the name of the inifile. (read-only)



ini := IniFile.Create("c:\joppswin\jopps.ini");
language := ini.ReadInt("Language","Language",0);
msg := "The default JoPPS language is ";
IF language = 0 THEN msg := msg + "Dutch"
ELSE IF language = 1 THEN msg := msg + "French"
ELSE IF language = 2 THEN msg := msg + "German"
ELSE IF language = 3 THEN msg := msg + "English"
ELSE msg := msg + "undefined !";

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