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The HANDLE class

The HANDLE class enables you to read from and write to communications resources identified by a Windows handle: a diskfile, a named pipe, etc.

Returns an instanciated HANDLE object for a given handle. The handle must be obtained by opening or creating the resource in the appropriate mode. You can use OpenFile or CreateFile to obtain a valid handle to a diskfile.
Frees the handle object. It is up to you to release the handle passed to the constructor.
SEEK (Dpos)
Moves the current position in the file to the specified offset Dofs.
READ (SDI,Dbytes) : Dread
Read Dbytes into the specified variable. The bytes are read starting at the current file pointer position.
The file pointer is moved and the number of bytes actually read is returned.
WRITE (SDI,Dbytes) : Dwritten
Write Dbytes from the specified variable to the file. The bytes are writen starting at the current file pointer position. The file pointer is moved and the number of bytes actually written is returned.
The handle used by the HANDLE object.
Returns the size in bytes of the data represented by the handle. (read-only)
Returns the byte offset of the next byte to read or write. (read-write)


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