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Scripting Function Reference E


EncodeDate( ? ) : ?

JoPPS – V2.82


To be documented.



EOF (Dh) : B



Checks if the file pointer is at the end of the file.

î       Dh is the filehandle of the file.

ì       Returns TRUE if the file pointer is at the end of the file, FALSE if it is not.



ExecuteFile( ? ) : ?

JoPPS – V2.82


To be documented.



EXP (D) : D



Exp returns the value of e raised to the given power, where e is the base of the natural logarithms.

&     LN,LOG


ExpandFileName (Sfn) : S



ExpandFileName expands the given filename to a fully qualified filename including drive
and path specification.


Embeded '.' and '..' directory references are removed.

î       The file specification to expand.

ì       The resulting file specification.

&     ExtractFilename, ExtractFilePath, ChangeFileExt



ExplorePath( ? ) : ?

JoPPS – V2.82


To be documented.



JoPPS – V2.82


To be documented.




Returns if the script is running in an interpreter with an extended syntax. (eg. JoPPS and not JScripter)

ì       Returns TRUE if the JoPPS-Script syntax is extended with extra functions.




ExtractFileName extracts the name and extension parts of the given filename.

î       Sfn is a full file specification. 

ì       Returns the name and extension only of the given file specification.

&     ExtractFilePath, ExpandFilename, ChangeFileExt





ExtractFilePath extracts the drive and directory parts of the given filename.

î       Sfn is the source file specification. 

ì       The drive and directory portion of the filename.


&     ExtractFilename, ExpandFilename, ChangeFileExt



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